
      Sh-chichan-49823979ru834758246.gifWhen you leave me ...and turn to someone else

Valentine iconsWhen you like being with someone else more than with me...70.gif

                           74.gif Some day it'll be alright...Instead of saying goobye...Valentine iconsValentine iconsValentine icons

76.gif Smile...a small smile 4 me...SH-chichi-star.gif

                        Valentine icons  I hate having to listen to those words coming from your pretty lips..Valentine icons

          Valentine icons Valentine icons  "I'm happy now, I'm sorry...Please under stand that i'm with someone else...SH-chichan-cirlce.gif

Yes, I hate listening to those unpleasant words...My soul can't have any more painValentine icons93fb.jpg dc44.jpg

           Valentine icons  Valentine icons I love U s0 U s0 mUch...Valentine iconsValentine icons

It seem that I want to run away from the break up...SH-chichan-9238e89weur89347587268.gif ...Do U want to break up with me or not...

                    SH-chichi-star.gifThe word "Let's break up" make me cry...SH-chichi-star.gifSH-chichi-star.gifSH-chichi-star.gifSH-chichi-star.gif

It's so hard on me...It's not easy to listen to those words...Sh-chichan-04938943ru874536.gifSh-chichan-04938943ru874536.gifSh-chichan-04938943ru874536.gif

            Valentine icons     When I hear them I cry more...I sure when U leave I'll have more problem...Valentine icons


                  SH-chichan-color-58yt7y476826.gifSH-chichan-color-58yt7y476826.gifAnd more annoying is that U leave....SH-chichan-color-58yt7y476826.gif SH-chichan-color-58yt7y476826.gifSH-chichan-color-58yt7y476826.gif

Whatever U say,It's okay...Smile like that and leave...Valentine iconsValentine iconsValentine iconsValentine iconsValentine iconsValentine icons

Valentine iconsValentine iconsValentine iconsValentine iconsI know the day will come when U leave me...that's okayValentine icons

Instead of saying goodbye...instead of saying goobye...   thmyspace-codes-icons-185.gifthmyspace-codes-icons-185.gifthmyspace-codes-icons-185.gifthc4709647.gifthc4709647.gifthc4709647.gif

     Smile...a small smile for me

                 Smile...a small smile for me

x1pc_jqddVOWRng074b8ncrNrmXBB7Hs-3.gifx1pc_jqddVOWRng074b8ncrNrmXBB7Hs-3.gifx1pc_jqddVOWRng074b8ncrNrmXBB7Hs-3.gifx1pc_jqddVOWRng074b8ncrNrmXBB7Hs-3.gifxsgs_2_0915B15D.gif xsgs_2_0915B15D.gifxsgs_2_0915B15D.gif

     Don't backspace to delete my name...Because my folder very i saved your name in my heart....valentine69.gifvalentine69.gifvalentine69.gifvalentine69.gif...I love you... s0 mUch...


    創作者 yuliuprd 的頭像


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